The Uranus The Uranus is seventh planet from our Sun. Uranus is known as the “Sideway Planet” because it rotates on its side. The Uranus is named after the Greek god of sky Uranus. According to Greek mythology the Uranus was the grandfather of Zeus and father of Cronus. The is the third largest planet in our solar system. The Uranus’s axis of rotation is tilted by 98 degrees which is relative on its side. According to some theory’s scientists, the earth’s sized body collided with Uranus, this radically throwing off its rotation. The axial tilt causes seasons. There are four seasons on the Uranus but the seasons one very different them seasons on earth. The Uranus required 84 earth days to complete on orbit around the sun. The season on Uranus lasts 21 earth years as the Uranus tilted on its sides, this mean the one of the poles of Uranus always points to sun. During summer seasons, the other poles experienc...
Our Universe has infinite moving objects. So the Universe is more to explore. The blog tells about various Mysterious objects are moving in the Universe.