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Showing posts from August, 2021

What is Kuiper Belt? | Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt

                         The Kuiper belt is the doughnut shaped disc like structure orbiting around the Sun. In 1930, the first Kuiper belt object was discovered. This first object is the dwarf planet Pluto. The Kuiper belt is named after the astronomer “Gerard Kuiper”.   In 1951, the Gerard Kuiper published a scientific paper that speculated about the objects beyond the dwarf planet Pluto. In 1940, the Kenneth Edgeworth also briefly mentioned about the objects beyond the Pluto. Thus the Kuiper belt is sometimes referred to as the “Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt”. In 1983, the Pioneer 10 spacecraft of the NASA was the first spacecraft which was entered in the Kuiper belt. Kuiper Belt                 The Kuiper belt is the disc shaped region. This region is extending from the orbit of the Neptune planet at 30 AU to approximately 50 AU. The Kuiper belt is similar to the Main Asteroid belt. But the Kuiper belt is 20 times wider and 20-200 times massive than the asteroid belt. The Kuiper belt is