The Earth Our Home World. The Earth planet is Our Home. The Earth planet is known as Goldilocks Planet . The Earth is at the right distance from the Sun . The Earth is in habitable zone of our solar system. This right distance allows the water in the form of liquid. No too cold and no too hot. So this region where the Earth is formed is called “Goldilocks region”. The Earth is the only planet on which the life evolved. The Earth from its early hot form to became heaven for life is the longest journey. Now the question arises as How the Earth made as the Planet and how oceans are made? Let us talk about this now. 4.5 billion years ago, our solar system takes its shapes and structure as it is now. At that time planets are taking their structures, stable orbit, revolution about its axis, this process is very slow and taken billions of years. The Earth was made with the space dust, debris which are spread when the sun formed and these dust and debris orbiting around the sun. This or...
Our Universe has infinite moving objects. So the Universe is more to explore. The blog tells about various Mysterious objects are moving in the Universe.