The Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. The Jupiter is fifth planet from the sun in our solar system. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is named after the Roman king of the god in Roman mythology and as like Romans the ancient Greeks named Jupiter after their king of the god Zeus. The Jupiter is more than twice as massive as combination of the all planet in our solar system. If we can fill Jupiter with the Earth , then the Jupiter requires 1,300 Earths. The Jupiter is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium as like our sun. It could have actually become a star instead of a planet. Now we know, how Jupiter is massive. The magnetic field produced by it is strongest of all other rest planet in our solar system. The magnetic field of the Jupiter is 20,000 times stronger ...
Our Universe has infinite moving objects. So the Universe is more to explore. The blog tells about various Mysterious objects are moving in the Universe.