Quaoar The Quaoar is a body that lies beyond the orbit of Pluto. Quaoar is one of the Kuiper belt object. Quaoar is massive enough to be considered as a dwarf planet, but it has not been classified as such yet. The Quaoar is discovered in 2020 by the American scientists Mike Brown and Chadwick Trujillo of the California institute of Technology at the Palomar Observatory in California. The Quaoar name is given after a creation god of the Native American Tongva Tribe. In 2007, the American astronomer Brown found the tiny moon around the Quaoar, Weywot. The name is given after the sky god, the son of Quaoar. The Quaoar The scientists believed that the Quaoar may be red in colour and coated with water ice. In the distant past of Quaoar, it had an atmosphere with nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. Because...
Our Universe has infinite moving objects. So the Universe is more to explore. The blog tells about various Mysterious objects are moving in the Universe.