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Showing posts from June, 2021

The Objects waiting to become a Dwarf Planet | Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna

Quaoar                 The Quaoar is a body that lies beyond the orbit of Pluto. Quaoar is one of the Kuiper belt object. Quaoar is massive enough to be considered as a dwarf planet, but it has not been classified as such yet. The Quaoar is discovered in 2020 by the American scientists Mike Brown and Chadwick Trujillo of the California institute of Technology at the Palomar Observatory in California. The Quaoar name is given after a creation god of the Native American Tongva Tribe. In 2007, the American astronomer Brown found the tiny moon around the Quaoar, Weywot. The name is given after the sky god, the son of Quaoar. The Quaoar                 The scientists believed that the Quaoar may be red in colour and coated with water ice. In the distant past of Quaoar, it had an atmosphere with nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. Because...

Dwarf Planets in our solar system | Makemake, Haumea, Gonggong

  What is the Dwarf Planet? According to the International Astronomical Union, the dwarf planets are the celestial bodies that orbits the sun, has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape and is not a moon. The number of dwarf planets in our solar system is unknown. Now the question arises that why the Pluto is not a planet? The Pluto has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, also orbits the sun but the Pluto has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. There are six known dwarf planets, the Pluto demoted as a Dwarf Planet, Eris the reason behind the demotion of the Pluto, Ceres the closest dwarf planet from the sun and from the Earth, the Makemake fourth dwarf planet, the Haumea fifth discovered dwarf planet and the Gonggong sixth dwarf planet with Chinese name. I explained the Pluto, Eris and Ceres in my previous article. 1] Makemake dwarf planet           ...

Ceres Dwarf Planet | The Embroynic Planet Ceres in Our Solar System

The Dwarf Planet Ceres.                   The dwarf planet Ceres is located in the main asteroid belt, between orbit of the planet Mars and the planet Jupiter. The Ceres is the largest object in the main asteroid belt. The Ceres is nothing but an asteroid but it is large enough to categorized as a dwarf planet. The Ceres has enough gravitational force to be round in shape. The Ceres is firstly classified as a planet. But when scientists found similar object near the Ceres. So, the Ceres is reclassified as an asteroid. So, the Ceres becomes largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt. As other objects were discovered in the neighborhood of the Ceres. Then it was realized that the Ceres must be classified as in a new category. So, the Ceres was given the designation under the modern system of minor planet. So, Ceres becomes the closest dwarf planet from the Earth. The dwarf planet Ceres named after the Roman goddess of corn and harvest...